createComponent(store, render)

Creates store-based React component. The createComponent is useful for transfering logic and data of state to your View component.

Note: You can use hooks in createComponent since effector-react@20.3.0.


  1. store (Store | Object | Function): Store or object of Store, or function which will be called with initial props.
  2. render (Function): Render function which will be called with props and state.




import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import {createStore, createEvent} from 'effector'
import {createComponent} from 'effector-react'
const counter = createStore(0)
const incr = createEvent('increment')
counter.on(incr, n => n + 1)
const MyCounter = createComponent(counter, (props, state) => (
Counter: {state}
<button onClick={incr}>increment</button>
const MyOwnComponent = () => {
// any staff here
return <MyCounter />
ReactDOM.render(<MyOwnComponent />, document.getElementById('root'))

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