
Event is an intention to change the state. Let's imagine life situation, you enter a shop and, according to etiquette, you have to say "hello" - intention, then you say "hello" - event.

Event calls always return its payload:

import {createEvent} from 'effector'
const event = createEvent()
// => 1
// => undefined

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Event Methods


It is a function which allows you to watch the event or to create side-effects.


const unwatch = event.watch(fn)
  • Call fn on each event trigger, pass payload of event as argument to fn
  • When unwatch is called, stop calling fn on each event trigger


  1. watcher (Watcher): A function that receives payload.


Subscription: Unsubscribe function.


import {createEvent} from 'effector'
const sayHi = createEvent()
const unwatch = sayHi.watch(name => console.log(`${name}, hi there!`))
sayHi('Peter') // => Peter, hi there!
sayHi('Drew') // => nothing happened

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Creates a new event, which will be called after the original event is called, applying the result of a fn as a payload. It is special function which allows you to decompose dataflow, extract or transform data.


const second = first.map(fn)
  • When first is triggered, pass payload from first to fn
  • Trigger second with the result of the fn() call as payload


  1. fn (Function): A function that receives payload, should be pure.


Event: New event.


import {createEvent} from 'effector'
const userUpdated = createEvent()
const userNameUpdated = userUpdated.map(({name}) => name) // you may decompose dataflow with .map() method
const userRoleUpdated = userUpdated.map(({role}) => role.toUpperCase()) // either way you can transform data
userNameUpdated.watch(name => console.log(`User's name is [${name}] now`))
userRoleUpdated.watch(role => console.log(`User's role is [${role}] now`))
userUpdated({name: 'john', role: 'admin'})
// => User's name is [john] now
// => User's role is [ADMIN] now

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Creates a new event, which will be called after the original event is called if fn returns true.

Let's assume a standard situation when you want to buy sneakers in the shop, but there is no size. You subscribe to a particular size of the sneakers model, and in addition, you want to receive a notification if they have it, and ignore any other notification. Therefore filtering can be helpful for that. Event filtering works in the same way. If filter returns true, the event will be called.


const second = first.filter({fn})
  • When first is triggered, pass payload from first to fn
  • If fn() returns true, second will be triggered with payload from first


  1. fn (Function): A function that receives payload, should be pure.


Event: New event.


import {createEvent, createStore} from 'effector'
const numbers = createEvent('event with {x: number}')
const positiveNumbers = numbers.filter({
fn: ({x}) => x > 0,
const lastPositive = createStore(0).on(positiveNumbers, (n, {x}) => x)
numbers({x: 0}) // store won't triggered
numbers({x: -10}) // store won't triggered
numbers({x: 10}) // store will triggered

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Creates a new event, which will be called after the original event is called if fn returns a value other than undefined.
Imagine a situation, you come up to a grocery store and you have let's say a task: you need to buy 10 apples, but only those that are red, otherwise nothing. Let's consider by steps:

  1. Take one apple;
  2. Have a look, is it red(put in a pack) or not(take another).

And you repeat this until you complete the task. Now think about it in the Effector terms and we consider the positive case:

  1. Take an apple - event;
  2. Have a look, red or no - filter;
  3. You keep it - map;
  4. Put in pack - event.
  5. Pack - store

You may see that we united filter() and map() methods, the reason for creating was an impossibility to event filtering.


const second = first.filterMap(fn)
  • When first is triggered, call fn with payload from first
    • If fn() returned undefined do not trigger second
    • If fn() returned some data, trigger second with data from fn()


  1. fn (Function): A function that receives payload, should be pure.


Event: New event.


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import {createEvent, createStore} from 'effector'
const openModal = createEvent('open that modal')
const closeModal = createEvent('close that modal')
const openModalUnboxed = openModal.filterMap(ref => {
if (ref.current) return ref.current
openModalUnboxed.watch(modal => modal.showModal())
fn: ref => {
if (ref.current) return ref.current
.watch(modal => modal.close())
const modalRef = React.createRef()
const App = () => (
<dialog ref={modalRef}>
<form method="dialog">
Tap to close
<button type="submit" onSubmit={() => closeModal(modalRef)}>
<button onClick={() => openModal(modalRef)}>Open modal</button>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))

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Creates an event, upon trigger it sends transformed data into the source event. Works kind of like reverse .map. In case of .prepend data transforms before the original event occurs and in the case of .map, data transforms after original event occurred.


const second = first.prepend(fn)
  • When second event is triggered
  • Call fn with payload from second
  • Trigger first with result of fn()


  1. fn (Function): A function that receives payload, should be pure.


Event: New event.


import {createEvent} from 'effector'
const nameChanged = createEvent()
nameChanged.watch(name => console.log(`Current name is: ${name}`))
const inputChanged = nameChanged.prepend(e => e.target.value) // event, which will be bound to DOM element
const input = document.createElement('input')
input.onchange = inputChanged
// input something in input, and press Enter
// => Current name is: something

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